Dodge SX 2.0

Dodge SX 2.0

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Années-modèles Dodge SX 2.0


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Avis des proprios

Selon 14 avis
Confort s.o.
0% Complete
Performance s.o.
0% Complete
Économie de carburant s.o.
0% Complete
Commodité intérieure s.o.
0% Complete
Style extérieur s.o.
0% Complete
Fiabilité s.o.
0% Complete

Évaluations de propriétaires

trishard Lots of Potential décembre 08, 2017 Sport
Note globale
This car has lots of unrealized potential. On the one hand, the car's interior warms quickly, windshield clears quickly, transmission is pretty slick, too. On the other hand, the factory front seats are a bit low and when combined with the low ground clearance make exiting this vehicle a bit tricky for anyone who happens to be 5'6 or taller. The driver's side seating area could have more leg room. I have a 5 gear stick-shift and I would have thought that would take up less room in the front cabin.
Confort 6
60% Complete
Performance 6
60% Complete
Économie de carburant 6
60% Complete
Commodité intérieure 8
80% Complete
Style extérieur 10
100% Complete
Fiabilité 6
60% Complete
Voir tous les avis de propriétaires


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